
We warmly welcome you to the Saint Catherine of Siena school website and hope that as you explore this site you will gain an insight into what makes Saint Catherine of Siena such a warm and welcoming school.

At Saint Catherine of Siena we welcome the strengths and talents of all and endeavour to build rich and rewarding partnerships with our school community. We encourage a collaborative environment where parents are recognised as the first educators and full participants in their children’s development. The school community at St. Catherine’s has always been active in supporting the school, and helping to create a good learning environment and beautiful grounds.

We are a local parish primary school in Melbourne’s western suburbs and are part of the Melton Parish. Strong ties are maintained with the Parish through the Sacramental Program, and the celebrations of special events in the life of the Parish.

Saint Catherine of Siena is in the rapidly growing suburb of Melton West. The school is set in an expanding housing estate yet still retains rural views to the ranges.

I hope you enjoy your exploration of our website.

Mr. Desmond Noack

MoL (ACU), BTheol (C.T.C.), DipEd Primary (ACU). GCI Coaching in Leadership Trained Leader
