School Policies

Care, Safety and Welfare of Students
Administration of Medication Policy Anaphylaxis Policy Emergency Response to Anaphylactic Reaction Attendance Policy Bullying Prevention Policy Duty Of Care for MACS Schools Excursions, Camps and Travel Policy for MACS Schools Camp Procedures MACS Schools School Excursion Procedures First Aid Policy ICT Acceptable Usage Policy Medical Management Policy Pastoral Care Policy for MACS Schools Student Behaviour Policy Supervision Procedures
Child Safety and Wellbeing
Child Safety Code of Conduct Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy Child Safety and Wellbeing Recordkeeping Policy Engaging Families in Child Safety Policy PROTECT - Reporting Obligations PROTECT : Identifying and Responding to Child Abuse PROTECT Procedure - Informing Staff of Reporting Obligations PROTECT Procedure - Police or DHHS Child Protection Interviews at School PROTECT Procedure - Responding to all forms of child abuse PROTECT Procedure - Responding to offences under the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) PROTECT Procedure - Responding to Police and Child Protection requests for further information PROTECT Procedure - Responding to student sexual offending Reportable Conduct Policy
Complaints Handling Policy
Complains Handling Policy Complaints Handling Procedures School Community Safety Order Scheme Internal Review Process School Community Safety Order Review Form
Assessment and Reporting Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Enrolment of Students
Concessional Fee Policy Concessional Fee Program - Procedures for MACS Schools Enrolment Policy Enrolment Agreement Enrolment Procedures for MACS Schools Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct Code of Conduct - Students Privacy Policy and Procedures Student Acceleration and Retention Policy
Statement of Democratic Principles Governance Statement MACS Code of Conduct for School Advisory Councils School Advisory Council Manual: For all MACS Schools School Advisory Councils Terms of Reference School Philosophy Statement Working Together in Mission: Charter for Parishes and Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne
Suspension, Negotiated Transfer and Expulsion of Students
Expulsion of Students Policy Negotiated Transfer of Students Policy Suspension of Students Policy